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Upcoming release with Silver Publishing!

Published September 20, 2013 by ellenheights





















Watch out for my fabulous new Urban Fantasy/MF erotic short story (11k), to be released on October 26th just in time for Halloween! The Night Shift sees Gwen fall in love with Shifter Jason, before becoming entangled in the feuds between the shifters and werewolves while their newly-blossomed relationship hangs in the balance.

I may have another sale to announce too, but -excited as I am- nothing’s been signed yet. So I cannae tell, what with it being bad practice and all. But there are things cookin’, rest assured.

Watch this space. šŸ˜‰


And SOLD to Silver Publishing!

Published July 25, 2012 by ellenheights

I’m very pleased to announce that my story, A Pre-Date Encounter, will be appearing in ebook form at Silver Publishing at the estimated release date of January 5th 2013.

Oh, waiting is such torment…But never mind, there’s plenty of time to write more stories! Incidentally, I just submitted an erotic piece to Ellora’s Cave, so I’m hoping that’ll yield some good results. Fingers crossed! šŸ™‚

The editors at Silver have been so nice about the edits, and so professional too! They’ve got online gadgets for signing contracts and everythaaang. They royalties percentage is also very impressive. I’ve previously been published under a different name with indie presses (for stories I had less fun writing and got paid pittance for!) and they weren’t nearly as on the ball as this lot. By far, the romance industry is vastly superior at the ol’Ā  marketing andĀ  publishing game. Is it any wonder there are so many successful romance writers out there today?

What can I say – they raised the bar high, and the standards went with it. Since getting the acceptance for Girls Who Bite in 2011, I’ve been in awe of the effort and professionalism that these women (and some men!) put into their writing careers. I’m just so glad I get to be a part of it and, who knows, one day I might be just as successful as they are.

I’m certainly working on it!

Welcome You Minxes of Maine, You Saucepots of New England

Published July 19, 2012 by ellenheights

I write sexy contemporary stories for sexy and contemporary women. I’ve written about girl-on-girl vampire lurve and a pre-date encounter with an older man in a dressing room. Believe me, I plan to write a whole lot more – and I’ll exhibit all publication news here for your reading pleasure.

My pen name, if you were losing sleep through wondering, is a mash-up of the narrator and title of the amazingĀ  Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. That book captured my heart and soul more than any other, so here’s hoping the name brings a little WutheringĀ Inspiration to my work!
Watch this space,
Love Ellen